- Departments and Offices
- SOM Departments
- Preventive Medicine
- Student and Employee Health
Student and Employee Health
- Student and Employee Health
- Preventive Medicine Home
- Contact Preventive Medicine
- Providers and Staff
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing
- GIS and Remote Sensing Home
- Resources
Research Projects
- Research Projects Home
- Biomedical Imaging to Distinguish Normal, Precancerous and Cancerous Cells
- Estimating Clinically Significant Mold Spores in Outdoor Environment
- Estimating Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
- Geographic Health Disparities
- GeoMedStat: An Integrated Spatial Surveillance System
- Other Projects
- School of Population Health - Grand Rounds
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing
- Residency
- Support the Department of Preventive Medicine
- School of Population Health
Student Health Services
Clinic location and phone numbers
Student Employee Health (SEH) is in Room N-136, between Physical Therapy and Volunteer Services offices.
- Front desk
(601) 984-1185
Services for Students
New incoming students are asked to obtain all required health-related services/documentation from their personal health care provider or another source outside of UMMC Student and Employee Health, prior to matriculation at UMMC. However, if there are extenuating circumstances and an incoming student needs assistance in obtaining a required service, Student and Employee Health may be able to provide such services on a limited basis, by appointment only. Such inquiries are best made via email to studenthealth@umc.edu.
Hours: 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Vaccinations
- Urine drug screens
- TB screening (blood and skin tests)
- Management of blood-borne pathogen exposure
- Management of tuberculosis exposure
- Away rotation paperwork completion
- Immunity tests (titers), other blood tests
- Initial assessment and management of non-urgent workplace injuries and Blood borne pathogen exposures (Up to 3:45pm on weekdays)
- Care may be obtained after hours or weekends from the UMMC Emergency Department
Vaccination fees
- Click here for student vaccine charges - PDF.
Advice for Away Rotations
- Start the process early
- Check Hepatitis B titer at least 6 months prior to start date, preferably during your 1st year
- Polio and rabies vaccines are not available in SEH
Lab Tests for Students
- Blood tests, including titers to confirm immunity may be done at SEH or any other UMMC clinic/lab
- The cost of the blood test(s) is charged to your medical insurance
- Urine drug screens for elective rotations have a variable fee depending on substances detected ($16-$100)
Quick Care Clinic, Family Medicine
Student and Employee Health does not provide sick care services for students. Students may access primary care services through UMMC's Quick Care Clinic. 764 Lakeland Drive, Jackson, 2nd Floor. Call 601-984-6800, 601-984-CARE (601-984-2273) or schedule online by visiting the Quick Care page on the UMMC Intranet. Hours are 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.
UMMC Telehealth services
- If insured through the State of MS Medical Insurance, you may use "UMMC 2 You" from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- Check your personal medical insurance website for other telehealth service providers
- United Healthcare - sign up for Virtual Visits at myuhc.com account
Student Counseling Services (SCS)
For all mental health issues, visit the SCS.
- Student Counseling and Wellness Center website
Student and Employee Health N-136
Email: scs@umc.edu
(601) 815-4971
Other UMMC Clinic Numbers
- UMMC Clinics: (888) 815-2005
- UMMC Family Medicine: (601) 984-6800
- The Student's hometown physician may call UMMC Specialist directly: (866) 862-3627